Think of the brands that you love and tell me what you recall. Most probably it’s not just the brand name that came in your mind, You might also start recollecting their famous slogans. Yeah, brand slogans are most likely to catch attention if written well.
Good slogans are a part of your branding exercise, don’t you think so?
According to the small business encyclopedia of’s, “A slogan is a catchphrase or a small group of words which are combined in a special way to identify a product or company”
A slogan is basically a phrase written by a company itself for the advertisement and branding purpose. They are much like mini-mission statements and exists for the same reason companies are having logos: Advertising. While logos are the visual representations of a brand, slogans serve for the audible representation of the brand. But both are intended towards the same goal which is to grab consumer’s attention.
The purpose is to convey a key message to people so that if they can’t remember anything from an advertisement, they at least take the slogan with them.
Let’s have a look at some characteristics of a great slogan:
Short and Simple: Simple is always effective. A good slogan should always be simple so that people can easily memorize it. A good slogan must be quickly recognizable, that people only have to spend two or three seconds to recall it. It should not exceed the length of a single sentences. Combination of 5 to 6 catchwords are good for an effective brand slogan.
Lasting Impression: Slogans are meant to be memorable. “Taste the feeling”, tagline of Coca-Cola directly connects to the audience hence has a mass appeal. It is different and it is memorable.
Brand enhancement: Brand slogans are there to strengthen and complement a brand. Just think of the tagline of State farm’s “Like a good neighbour, state farm is always there”. With this catchphrase they speak their features i.e. better service, local agents and more comprehensive coverage. So slogans must convey a message that audience can clearly understand.
Humor: Humor is always remembered and a company who makes use of it in its marketing advertisements always gets success.
Emotion: Usually the best way to connect with your customers is through emotions. Target your customers pain points and make a personal connection via taglines. Think of the positive brand slogans like Allstate’s “You are in good hand”, Anritsu’s “Discover what’s possible” and many more. They directly touch people’s intention therefore people remember it.
Now that you know what makes a good slogan, It’s time to focus upon some helpful tools to write the best slogan for your company:
Tools for creating a memorable company tagline!
Shopify Free slogan Maker: When it comes to slogan generators, shopify’s free slogan maker always tops the list. It is very simple and can generate 1000+ slogans for a single keyword you enter. Just enter a keyword that best describes your business and click on “generate slogans” button and within seconds you will get 1000+ catchy and attractive brand slogans. Choose one that best explains your brand.
Procato: If you want a tool without much fancy options, then Procato is for you. It creates one slogan for one keyword at a time. And if you don’t like it, simply re-enter your keyword and it will give you another option.
Slogan Generator: It is a free tool that also offers the option to share your generated company slogan across your social media platforms. Its chrome extension is also available for faster generation of taglines. To generate an eye-catching marketing slogan for your brand, you can try different variant of the same root word number of times. With sloganizer you can create your own business slogan and can directly add to your business website by making use of Sloganizer service center. The created slogan will appear at the top of your website, you can re-adjust it wherever you want. It is free and fast, that’s why the best choice out of all slogan makers.
Go spaces Slogan Generator: This is a brilliant slogan maker where you can sign in your website for free. It can generate more than thousand slogan for a keyword at a time that perfectly goes with your brand and doesn’t look like a misfit unlike other slogan generators. Here you can also create logos, product names and much more using this tool.
Here is a big list of most creative and popular slogans of big brands here:
Adobe- Better by Adobe! |
Acura- The Road will never be same |
AIG- We know Money! |
Alpo Dog Food- Doesn't your Dog deserves ALPO? |
American Airlines- Something special in the air! |
American Express- Don't leave home without it! |
Apple- Think Different |
Adidas- Impossible is nothing! |
At&T- Mobilizing your world! |
Audi- Innovation through technology |
Bank Of America |
BIC- Flick my bic |
Bissell- Life's Messy, clean it up |
BMW- The ultimate driving machine |
BOSE- Better sound through research |
Budweiser- The king of Beers |
Burger King- It just tastes better |
Calvin Klein- Between love and madness lies obsession |
Camel- I'd walk a mile for a camel |
Capital one- What's in your wallet? |
ChesterField- A silly millimeter longer |
Cisco- Empowering the internet generation |
Citi- Live Richly |
CNet- the source for computing and technology |
CNN- The most trusted name in News |
Coca-Cola- Taste the feeling |
Dannon yogurt- Love it for Life |
Dell- Easy as Dell |
Delta- You'll love the way we fly |
Denny’s- We're Cooking Now |
DHL- We Move The World |
Disneyland- The Happiest Place on Earth |
Dunkin Doughnuts- Time to make the doughnuts |
Ebay- The World's online Market Place |
Electrolux- Nothing sucks like an Electrolux |
Esso- Put a Tiger in your Tank |
 | Don't just Travel. Travel right! |
FedEx- The World On Time |
Fisher Price- Best Possible Start |
Ford- Go Further |
Fox News- Fair and Balanced |
FTD- Say it with Flowers! |
General Electric- Imagination at work |
Gillette- The Best A Man Can Get |
Gatorade- Is it in you? |
GoodYear - Made to feel good |
GreyHaund- Leave the driving to us |
Haig Scotch Whiskey- Don't be Vague, Ask for Haig |
Hallmark - When you care enough to send the very best |
Harley Davidson- American by Birth, Rebel by Choice |
Hebrew National- We answer to a higher authority |
Hertz- Hertz puts you in the driver's seat |
HP- Invent |
Holiday Inn- Pleasing People The World Over |
Honda- The Power of Dreams |
Huggies- There is nothing like a hug |
IBM- Solutions for a small planet |
Intel- Intel Inside. |
Jack in the Box- We don't make it until you order it |
Jaguar- Don't dream it. Drive it! |
Jell-O- America's most famous dessert |
JPMorganChase- The right relationship is everything |
Juicy Juice- 100% Juice for 100% Company |
Kay Jewelers- Every Kiss begins with Kay |
Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes- They're Gr-r-r-et! |
KFC- Finger-lickin's Good! |
Kodak- Share moments, Share life |
Las Vegas- What happens here, stays here |
Lays- Betcha can't eat just one |
Lexus- The relentless persuit of perfection |
M&M’s- Melts in your mouth, not in your hands |
Marlboro- Come to Marlboro Country |
MasterCard- There are somethings that money can't buy. For everything else, there's MasterCard |
Mazda- Passion for the road |
Mcd- I'm lovin' it |
Meow Mix- Tastes So Good, Cats Asks for it by name |
Microsoft- Your Potential. Our Passion |
Mitsubishi- Wake up and Drive |
Nike- Just Do it |
Nikon- At the heart of the images |
Pepsi- The Taste of New Generation |
Phillip Morris- Talk. They'll Listen |
Sprite- Obey your thirst |
Subway- Eat Fresh |
Taco Bell- Think outside the bun |
Toshiba- Choose Freedom |
Toyota- Get the feeling |
Visa- It's everywhere you want to be |
Volkswagen- Drivers wanted |
Volvo- For Life |
Walmart- Always Low Prices, Always |
Wendy’s- Where's the beef? |
Yahoo- Believe |
Yellow pages- Let your fingers do the walking |